What Are Link Building Packages?

◉ Oct 6, 2022

Despite many individuals understanding SEO and digital marketing strategies in the back of their minds, they make the same mistake of buying link-building packages without understanding their web profile and its SEO. The fast-forward approach of obtaining growth in the digital space and the anxiousness to reach the top has led to the downfall of many branding strategies.

Well, it was easier in the past to use link-building strategies without thinking twice; however, the algorithms have grown smarter and it is time for you to evolve and add to your current knowledge and get started with effective solutions for your website.

Why Take Our Advice?

Rank-Jacker has come across many cases where clients who place orders without understanding their requirements or lack clarity on their web content see tremendous failure in their link-building strategies. The blame game begins while the most vital aspect is amazingly left-out.

There are certain aspects that you need to understand before buying link-building packages. It is not something that you can pick up off the shelf by reviewing its cost and the sales pitch.

If you want to succeed in your funnel marketing strategies and easily help cold traffic navigate down the funnel, you need to know the prerequisites of buying link-building packages and some vital attributes.

What Makes Link Building Packages Sell?

Link Building packages aren’t effective if they do not establish relevance to your website or lack SEO attributes. While the pitch sales for Link Building packages come in elaborate content with boastful expressions, it is not enough for you to get yourself a link-building package to upgrade your strategies to rank higher in the SERP results.

Clients rush to build their links by buying link-building packages and then regret not choosing packages that could have optimized their website.

Purpose Of Building Links

It is time to brush up on your knowledge of building links and how it impacts your website’s ranking. This will allow you to understand why it is important to choose the right link-building package.

When you understand the actual purpose of building links for your website, you will gain insights on how to choose the right link-building packages. For example, it is easier to picture the importance of a link by comparing it with votes in a democratic country.

Votes are given to those who are trustworthy or reliable to govern the country. The same applies to the links, which act as an endorsement to websites where the target audience can rely on the content.

Hence, it is not merely a portal to redirect to another page. Instead, it intends to redirect traffic to a page where they can get more information on that content. Therefore, buying link-building packages customized to your website is the way to go forward.

Backlinks Work As Votes Of Confidence For Your Website

The links used to add backlinks to your website acts as votes of confidence. Let’s take an example. If you write blogs on the topic of SEO and digital marketing, is a backlink of clothing blogs an appropriate option? Of course not, since there is no topical relevance, and your prospects will think of it as a ploy to boost traffic with malpractice.

Soon, your website will get flagged for not following guidelines and ruin your digital marketing efforts to boost visibility. Is it worth the risk of buying link-building packages without knowing what is needed for your website?

Boost Relevance Traffic With Organic Growth

Traffic relevance is quite important for organic growth, or else there was no use for your efforts in attracting traffic. This is because when there is relevant traffic to your niche, you get opportunities for lead conversion and be successful in your funnel marketing strategies.

However, spending your time and money to get traffic that is not relevant to your website or your services is a complete waste of your expenditure and resources.

You can easily avoid this by building relevant links to your website and not going around adding links to websites of various niches. Hence, you need to make wise decisions while you are educated about this and then the next phase involves investing in a link-building package.

When Are Link-Building Packages Not Successful?

Choosing the right link-building strategy or relying on SEO experts to get the job done for you is important. Here are some of the instances where your link-building efforts will go down the drain:

  1. Adding backlinks to sites that are irrelevant to your niche.
  2. Poor use of anchor texts and not relying on SEO experts.
  3. Adding backlinks to websites that are dead or don’t have a popular or authoritative presence.
  4. Not being picky on choosing the sites where you want to add a backlink to redirect to your websites.

Stepping Foot Into The Reality

The brutal truth is that you cannot complete a payment, buy the link-building package, and see visible results. It is completely a hoax and has affected the digital marketing strategies of many SEO experts. We have seen our clients struggle through this; however, we effectively tackled it by working on website life cycle stages, anchor texts, and relevant backlinks assessments.

You need to rely on SEO experts and agencies to bring you back to reality as they know what is best for your website and your online presence. It is important to take the right step in the right decision without making any hasty decisions and falling into traps that guarantee a faster pace. Besides, when you understand your website requirements and off-page needs, you can choose the right link-building services.

Take A Look At The Attributes To Help You Gauge Your Off-Page Needs.

Target KW/Page

Target KW/Phrase helps understand the prospects’ intent. Hence you are prepared to provide a content solution on the basics of keyword research. You will need to ensure that it addresses the concerns of the prospective traffic and provide a solution for the same. Keyword research also allows you to analyze your competitors and get metrics into what is needed to exceed their current positions. Hence, you get an idea of the number of backlinks needed and the content’s intent.

Backlink Source

Never ever add your website as a backlink where there is no relevance to the redirected page. Your link-building efforts will get compromised due to this, and it will be difficult to weed out such backlinks. Hence, ensure that you choose websites that can add a backlink to your website that are related to your industry or match your target audience.

Anchor Text

Don’t forget to use an accurate anchor text. Anchor text refers to the keyword on which you add the link for redirection. The best example is relating the keyword SEO to an SEO eBook or web services that provide SEO.

Outgoing Thoughts:

So do you find link-building packages worthy? Should you invest in it? Of course, you can invest in it; however, it is important to understand your website’s needs, check content quality, the site quality in which you want to add the backlinks, topical relevance, and other aspects. Hence, don’t regret it later and begin the first phase of link building by analyzing your website needs.

Amit Kumar
Marketing Lead & Co-Founder RankJacker SEO.
My name's Amit Kumar and I have been helping clients with local SEO for the past 11 years. I'm an MBA & A former Sales Professional with a knack for experimenting with SEO Applications. I firmly believe that online marketing goes beyond traditional boundaries, and I have dedicated myself to exploring creative & innovative strategies that yield effective & incremental results.
Wary Of Buying Backlinks, From Random Sellers!!
Get Access To Our Ebook on Strurcturd Approach To Link Building & take control of all your Link Building Efforts
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