◉ Jul 22, 2022

Do you aim to drive traffic to your website and increase your brand awareness? Does targeting prospective clients your priority area? If the answer resounds yes, then it implies that you need to build trust and authority online with Google.

Well, this is not a daunting task. All you need is to bear some useful tips and tricks in mind that improves your reputation and builds trust with your customers.

It is noteworthy to have a website that generates users’ interest, has links to credible sites, has a social media presence, and is SSL certified.

Let’s Get Acquainted With Some Of The Simplest Ways That Will Ensure Trust And Authority Online With Google

A Great User Experience:

Ever since Google rolled out its Core Web Vitals update in Do you know a dominant proportion of people use mobile for accessing the websites? Therefore, the first and foremost thing to realize is that your website must be mobile responsive and user-friendly.

It infers that it must be viewable on any type of device, say mobile, tablet, computer, or any other. Google has long been favoring responsive websites Compared to non-responsive ones.

Secondly, it must be easy to navigate, so that the visitors find it easy to access that is of value to them and is available on your website. Thirdly, pay utmost attention to your page loading speed.

Your website must not take more than 2 seconds to load, there are high chances of visitors leaving the site before it opens if it’s slow at loading, which in turn, sends out the signal of having a poor user experience with your site/content and is bad for your rankings.

Produce Unique And Quality Content:

Unique content is key to attracting more and more customers to your website. Apart from providing accurate information, focus on delivering the content that a user has not been tired of reading.

This is no harm in detailing the facts wherever required. This will generate the user’s interest in your website.

Secondly, engage in the habit of producing regular content or updating the existing one to keep the freshness alive. It can be in the form of video, text, or graphics.

Link Your Website With Other Credible Websites:

It is not always possible to overload your website with information and facts.

Therefore, to build trust with Google, you can link your website with some other credible websites so that if a user clicks on that link, he gets the required information.

However, if you have internal pages inside your website, you could link to them. Avoid using too many links and one link twice. Linking to credible sites or pages will surely affect the authority of your website with Google.

Ensure Your Social Media Presence:

Social media platform proves quite fruitful for establishing your brand and building its reputation among the users and with Google.

If your website has a strong social media presence say it has its page on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, then you will be largely seen by potential clients or high-profile leaders.

This strong connection will automatically pave way for increasing your website’s credibility and promoting your brand. Make sure to optimize and regularly update your social media page.

Ask For The Reviews:

It is imperative to let your potential customers know that you are far better than your competitors. To make this happen, you need to develop a system of acquiring testimonials from your customers.

Guide them with the whole process of writing a review for the products and services offered by your website.

Your best clients will publish positive reviews about your website thereby augmenting your reliability and building trust with Google.

Add Attractive Keywords:

Incorporating relevant and attractive keywords in your website content is bound to boost your website’s traffic.

For this, you need to add the keywords that people are already searching for. It must identify the areas that you are serving.

To ease and channelised your process in one direction, you can take the aid of Google Keyword Tool or Wordtracker which works to identify keywords and themes being searched for your related industry.


Make sure to follow the aforementioned ways to take the website’s authority and trust in Google to the next level.

If any dead or broken links exist on your website, remove them as it leads the visitors to a 404 error page.

Publish worthy, useful, and novel content that makes your website stand out from the competitors. What are you waiting for? Get started on these strategies.

Consider hiring SEO professional services to build your site’s authority and trust with potential customers and improve your rankings in search engines like Google.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How long does it take to improve the website’s authority?

Ans. Boosting the website’s authority is neither a one-day process nor happens overnight. It demands time and incessant efforts. The above-mentioned strategies and tactics have to be incorporated regularly to achieve the desired results.

Also, earning a valuable relationship with prospective clients and leader requires a lot of effort and careful thought and consideration. Therefore, this is an ongoing process.

Q. How can you earn back lost authority?

Ans. If your website’s authority has fallen, you need to restore its former position.

Firstly: remove the bad or broken links.

Secondly: Make sure that your outbound links are high authority websites that provide your visitors with valuable information.

Thirdly: Change the content if it is too old.

Q. Which are the three pillars of SEO?

Ans. Authority, Relevance, and Trust of websites are the three pillars of SEO that increase the opportunities for your website’s content and rank it higher.

Q. Why does the authority of a website matter?

Ans. Authority of the website is of high vitality to take it to the top of Search Engine Result Pages for any of your target keywords. This will easily attract potential customers to your site.

Amit Kumar
Marketing Lead & Co-Founder RankJacker SEO.
My name's Amit Kumar and I have been helping clients with local SEO for the past 11 years. I'm an MBA & A former Sales Professional with a knack for experimenting with SEO Applications. I firmly believe that online marketing goes beyond traditional boundaries, and I have dedicated myself to exploring creative & innovative strategies that yield effective & incremental results.
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