
The 2-Minute Rule For Niche Edit Backlinks

◉ Jul 20, 2022

Having worked on countless SEO projects and off-page campaigns, I’ve come to conclude certain rules when it comes to link building using niche edits. There are primarily three main purposes that an SEO would wish to achieve with backlinks i.e. gaining relevance, authority, or rankings.

In this article, I’d be taking you through my exclusive approach to using the niche edit links for all the different purposes mentioned earlier and also show how & what anchors to use to keep it super effective yet safe.

Just to share, I’ve been at the helm of affairs for content marketing aka link-building numerous agencies, we’ve served so far with our exclusive link-building services and this link-building strategy has been the result of learnings and insights gained from years of experience and practice.

To learn Off page SEO in detail, I highly recommend going through my Ebook Structured Approach to Link Building.

Niche edit links are considered highly effective since they are already indexed, aged, and thus considerably valued by Google.

Be it for the newer sites or websites that are close to the top Google positions and craving for that dream #number 1,2, or 3…. place, passing on the link juice to them is pretty easy when you use niche edits.


1. Purpose – Gaining Relevance & Trust

When a site is new or in the sandbox stage, building niche edit links to gain trust and relevance can provide optimal value for money.

A few things to consider while building niche edit links to keep your backlink profile safe and effective is to make sure that you’re getting good links from sites that are relevant to your business niche, have a healthy backlink profile and if possible also have some live traffic at least.

Use Of Anchors

At this stage, using generic anchors, branded anchors, or simple naked URL anchors is highly recommended.

As a rule of thumb, the newer sites are considered less trustworthy by SERPs, and hence they have a limited possibility to gain organic traffic.

It’s wise to refrain from using anchors that look unnatural or manufactured but when you’re using branded anchors or naked URL anchors, your website can pass through on account of self-promotion which is absolutely fine for any business to do in the form of link-building.

2. Purpose – Gaining Authority Or Keyword Rankings

Once a site starts getting organic rankings, it’s considered to be out of the sandbox stage, which means google is comparatively ok with a site’s content and its delivery of value to the visiting traffic, the reason why it’s attracting organic traffic.

Depending upon the need, you can safely consider building niche edit links to further gain authority by building links on high referring domain websites. You need to make sure that you’re getting links from sites that have a quality backlink profile.

There are a number of factors to take into consideration: low spam score, highly relevant referring domains, and no immediate history of penalty or dips, you can further explore these factors here.

Anchors To Be Used

To gain KW rankings, I generally prefer KW which is already on page 1 and need a boost to push the rankings towards the top 5 positions.

Things to be aware of – there’s no or limited use of KW anchors in recent history, the KWs that you’re trying to push can be served well by the page content, we’ve already utilized the relevant anchors for inner page backlink, etc.

If possible I’ll try with close proximity KW anchors to still keep my option open should the need be for additional KW anchor backlinks.

For gaining authority, one can use a mix of branded, generic, synonym, and KW anchors but again, the links have to be from highly authoritative sources with clean and dependable backlink profiles.

Still Need Help!

I have a personally trained team of Experts to help with a solid, no-nonsense link-building strategy that’s optimized for impact, optimum ROI, and effective rankings.

You can consider outsourcing your link building with our Managed Monthly Link Building plan to stay clear of any botherations with respect to Off Page SEO.

We’ve helped 100s of clients with successful campaigns, if you have any further queries, you can consider talking to us here.

Amit Kumar
Marketing Lead & Co-Founder RankJacker SEO.
My name's Amit Kumar and I have been helping clients with local SEO for the past 11 years. I'm an MBA & A former Sales Professional with a knack for experimenting with SEO Applications. I firmly believe that online marketing goes beyond traditional boundaries, and I have dedicated myself to exploring creative & innovative strategies that yield effective & incremental results.
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